Tuesday, October 14, 2008


For a truly sustainable kitchen, sometimes you have to dig in the trash.

Biobags are 100% compostable and 100% biodegradable made from renewable resources like cornstarch, heads above traditional plastic varieties that take hundreds of years to break down in the landfill (which makes it difficult for the stuff inside to breathe and break down as well).

We've got Biobags of all kinds in the store now for all your kitcheny bag needs.  There are TALL KITCHEN BAGS for kitchen trash bins and FOOD WASTE BAGS for storing fruits and veggies in the fridge or as a compost container liner.

And for bag-needs outside the kitchen, there are DOG WASTE BAGS that can be composted or thrown away, allowing the contents to biodegrade naturally along with LAWN AND LEAF BAGS that have more give and are more user-friendly than conventional plastic lawn bags.

You can read about what BioBag is trying to do with its sustainable, non-plastic bags and you can come into ASOG to find out more and try some for yourself anytime!

Photos courtesy of BioBag and green is sexy

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