Friday, January 30, 2009

More Inspiration for Ditching the Car One Day a Week

Here's a reflection from the Introduction to Sustainable Living Workshop last Saturday with sustainability coach (among other things!), Deborah.

In line with our earlier resolution to cut back on the car and the L.A. bike resources we listed, here's an inspiring snippet from what happened last weekend:

"At last Saturday's workshop, we had a great discussion about all the ways that sustainable living feeds our personal well-being. We also talked about looking for ways to support our green efforts by "letting go" of more, rather than trying to "do" more. For example, what if you simply let go of your reliance on your car one day per week? Despite the voices in your head that say "I could never do that!" "That's impossible"... I promise, it will actually enrich your life.

Make a commitment in 2009 to lessen your carbon imprint and simplify your life by letting go of driving at least one day per week. Walk, bike, carpool and use public transportation whenever possible. I promise that you will find that this enhances your experience of the city, lessens your stress level, and improves your physical well-being."

Check out Metro schedules at 800-266-6883 or

For bike routes, visit:

If you are driving but want to carpool more days a week, catch a ride at ZIMRIDE or GoLoco!

We'll see you on the streets...

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