Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Scoop on Sustainability Coaching

Since we have a Sustainability Coach on staff at All Shades, but since, sometimes, people don't know exactly what that means, I talked with our SC, Deborah, to clear up any confusion. Here's what she shared so you can have the scoop on her services and find out what an incredible resource she is to our store.

What Deborah offers:

*Home consultations
*Business consultations
*Backyard consultations for organic gardening and permaculture.

What a Sustainability Coach does:

She helps navigate all the information out there so you don't have to, and helps assess your lifestyle in terms of how friendly it is to you and the environment. Then she helps you on the journey to get where you want to go in terms of going green.

Deborah looks at a home or space as a whole system and helps that system work better, more efficiently, and more sustainably, all according to your income level and what you feel comfortable tackling. 

What kinds of questions frame the process of one of her eco-consultations:

How do you feel in this space?
How do you want to feel in this space?
How do you want this space to work?
What environmental steps do you want to take?
How can we make nature work for us in this space?

Topics covered in a typical home consult:

For example, she might look at energy efficiency, air quality and non-toxic alternatives, water conservation and water issues, sustainable kitchen practices, kids' health and environment, passive solar and air flow, making nature work for the home, replacing inefficient/toxic products, and composting. 

What you walk away with:

A full report on her findings.
A follow-up phone conversation to make sure no questions are left unanswered.
Research and recommendations custom-tailored for you.

For more information on having a sustainability consultation, visit Deborah's website at or to set up a consult, email her directly at

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