Thursday, August 21, 2008

Eco-friendly Linens

Because towels come into intimately close contact with our skin and we spend (hopefully) eight hours a night wrapped in our sheets, it's super important that they're made of healthy stuff.

Not only that, but if we use pesticide-laden sheets and towels, our comfort depends on pounds of pesticide that harm people and our planet.

We've got some alternatives to help you shower and sleep sustainably from here on out.

Bamboo Moon towels are made of that fast-growing fiber that's anti-microbial and hypoallergenic while being 60% more absorbent than Egyptian cotton.  You get the benefit of a low-impact alternative that also boasts incredible softness and durability.  If you haven't yet felt bamboo, you'll be amazed at how much it feels like silk.

Under the Canopy sheets 100% organic 250 thread count sheets are luxurious while being mindfully made.  You rest assured nothing harsh in their manufacture will affect you or where they came from.

Your bathroom and bedroom will welcome the change.

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